Oil Garden
Rose Geranium Pure Essential Oil 25mL
Botanical name: Pelargonium graveolens
Description: Floral, sweet, rosy aroma
Note: Middle note
Plant part: Leaves
Collection method: Steam distillation
Country of origin: Egypt
Safety notes: Not to be used topically during pregnancy
Mind: Eases nervous tension, promotes emotional balance
Body: Supports women's hormone health
Skin: balances oily skin, promotes a clear & healthy complexion
Blends well with: Orange, Lavender, Palmarosa
Botanical name: Pelargonium graveolens
Description: Floral, sweet, rosy aroma
Note: Middle note
Plant part: Leaves
Collection method: Steam distillation
Country of origin: Egypt
Safety notes: Not to be used topically during pregnancy
Mind: Eases nervous tension, promotes emotional balance
Body: Supports women's hormone health
Skin: balances oily skin, promotes a clear & healthy complexion
Blends well with: Orange, Lavender, Palmarosa