Discover the power of pure essential oils
Essential oils are the “life force” of the plant and once extracted are capable of improving general health and wellbeing.
Just as they protect the plant, so too are they powerful healing agents once extracted. Naturally occurring from aromatic plants, pure essential oils occur in the flowers, leaves, woods, gums, seeds, roots, grasses and fruit rind. Once extracted, they contain their own distinctive aroma and most impressively each essential oil has its own unique chemistry and is made up of hundreds of individual chemical components. These range from energising, uplifting and renewing to sedating, calming and relaxing.
Essential oils can assist with relieving the symptoms of minor ailments such as headaches, muscular aches and pains and sleeplessness. They can be used in skincare and beauty applications to improve hydration, treat acne or regenerate tired ageing skin. They are for use in a bath to relax at the end of the day or in a shower to invigorate the mind and body in the morning.
They can enhance a dinner party or prepare you for a board meeting, kill airborne germs in your home or simply make your home, or space smell divine. Whichever way you choose to incorporate them into your lifestyle they will enhance the overall quality of your life and above all improve the state of your physical and emotional wellbeing.
Unsure of what Essential Oil blend is right for you? Shop Our Full Range here.