How to Use Clove Essential Oil for Mould Removal
Posted by Oil Garden on 4th Jun 2024
Hands up anyone who has ever had mould in their home. Pretty much everyone, right? And thanks to Australia’s raining-one-day-sweltering-the-next weather, the mould problem is only getting worse for many of us.
While warmer, tropical climates with high humidity, such as Queensland, have been badly affected, more temperate areas have been hit hard, too, with the insidious fungus showing up in the usual spots – bathrooms, kitchens and laundries – as well as on clothes, shoes, bags, furniture and more.
Yes, mould is thriving, making cleaning around the house that much more difficult in the process. So, what are we meant to do to fix this annoying – not to mention health-hazardous – problem?
Enter Clove Oil. Using clove oil to kill mould is a tried and tested solution that many people around the globe swear by. So how exactly does clove oil kill mould? How should you use clove oil for mould removal? And does it really work? Let’s take a closer look.
What is Clove Pure Essential Oil?
Clove Essential Oil is a rich, spicy, warm and woody-smelling essential oil extracted from the clove tree. Also called Clove Bud Oil, this nifty little potion is a handy one to have in your home cleaning arsenal, but there are lots of clove oil uses beyond repelling mould. Clove Oil benefits include fighting skin infections, reversing cellular oxidation, helping relieve respiratory disorders and, with its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, even offering dental benefits.
Clove Essential Oil is a power player in the home, too, as it is not only great for mould removal but also for pest control, thanks to its natural fungicidal, herbicidal and insecticidal properties.
How does Clove Pure Essential Oil kill mould?
Mould is a type of fungi that thrives in damp, poorly ventilated areas, and Clove Bud Oil’s antifungal properties make it a game-changer in the fight against mould. Clove Oil mould remover really does its job, and the best part is that you don’t need to go out and buy any expensive products. You can mix up your own clove oil mould remover solution at home with very few ingredients.
Of course, one of the major benefits of using clove oil for mould removal is that it’s a natural product, meaning no added harsh chemicals. It is also a powerful antioxidant, which boosts its mould-nixing power, and along with its antifungal properties, Clove Essential Oil is also antiseptic and antiviral. What a powerhouse!
How to use Clove Pure Essential Oil for mould?
When it comes to clove oil, mould doesn’t stand a chance. But before you go pouring this essential oil straight onto every patch of mould you can find, cool your jets – you’ll want to know how to use clove oil for mould properly, or you’ll waste a lot of time (and money!).
A quick and easy mould-banishing solution is to mix a small amount of clove oil – just a quarter of a teaspoon – with a litre of water in a spray bottle. Then spritz the solution onto the mould, leave it to work its magic for a minimum of 10 minutes (and up to a few hours), then use a wet cloth to wipe away the mould. Repeat. (See full instructions on this method here.)
This is perhaps the simplest way to use clove essential oil for mould removal. But to super-charge your cleaning powers, try a solution of tea tree oil, vinegar and clove oil for mould. Vinegar and tea tree oil are also both powerful mould removers on their own – vinegar is non-toxic, mildly acidic and has been shown effectively treat more than 80% of mould species, while the tea tree oil, which offers antimicrobial properties, has also been shown to remove mould and mildew effectively. Put the trio together, and you have a mould-fighting dream team!
DIY Clove Mould Spray
Want to make your own DIY Clove Mould Spray? Try this powerful combination of tea tree oil, vinegar and Clove Oil for cleaning mould.
You will need:
- 50ml white vinegar
- 50ml water
- 6 drops Australian Lemon Tea Tree Oil
- 3 drops Clove Bud Pure Essential Oil
- A spray bottle
Place all the ingredients into your spray bottle and give it a good shake. It’s that easy!
How to use your Clove Pure Essential Oil mould spray
- Before using your clove mould spray, clean away surface mould with a 1:1 mix of water and isopropyl alcohol (combine in a spray bottle, spritz on, leave for 10 minutes, then wipe clean with a microfibre cloth).
- Spritz clove oil mould spray directly onto mouldy areas and don’t wipe off. This will help prevent mould from growing back.
Where can I use Clove Pure Essential Oil?
Try using clove oil for mould in shower recesses, bathtubs, wash basins, and kitchen sinks – it can even be a great mould remover in hard-to-clean spots, like the rubber seal on the washing machine. Just keep in mind that you’ll probably need a little elbow grease, too!
While clove oil can be a great pick for mouldy surfaces, be careful using it on fabric and untreated surfaces, as it can stain.
Precautions when using Clove Bud Oil
It’s important to remember that ‘natural’ doesn’t mean non-toxic, as there are some precautions to take when using clove oil for mould removal. This essential oil can irritate the skin and mucous membranes (especially in its pure form), so always wear rubber gloves and eye protection when using it. Some people may have an allergic reaction, and it’s toxic for dogs and cats. Clove Oil shouldn’t be used by anyone taking blood thinners, and it is also a uterine stimulant, so it should not be used by pregnant women.
Use Clove Oil in a well-ventilated space and dilute as recommended.