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Confidence Blend

Confidence Blend

Posted by Oil Garden on 8th May 2024

Confidence is a vital aspect of personal well-being, and it’s something we can all work on, especially during life’s transitions and challenges. To boost your confidence and create a positive mindset, we introduce the “Confidence Blend.” This unique blend, composed of Rose Geranium, Ylang Ylang, and Sweet Orange essential oils, is designed to balance, uplift, enhance your mood, soothe, and act as a nerve tonic.


  • Rose Geranium – helps balance emotions, reduce stress, and soothe the mind. It’s a valuable addition to the blend for its mood-enhancing qualities.
  • Ylang Ylang – is known for its uplifting and mood-enhancing properties. It helps reduce tension and anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being.
  • Orange – a natural mood booster, known for its cheerful and uplifting scent. It brings a sense of positivity and vitality to the blend.

Diffuser: 2-3 drops of each oil assed to your diffuser. Diffuse for up to 3hrs morning and/or night.

Massage: Add 2 drops of each oil to 1 tbsp of Sweet Almond Oil and massage over body. N.B. avoid massaging over sensitive areas and eyes. HOT TIP: to sooth dry skin use 1 tbsp of Jojoba oil instead of Sweet Almond for more intensive moisturising leaving your skin soft and silky.

Inhalation: Neatly fold a tissue into thirds & add 1 drop of each oil to one end. Fold tissue back on itself twice so the end with the oils are folded to the inner section. Place tissue in your top pocket and inhale throughout the day as required.

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