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Posted by Oil Garden on 8th May 2024

Try this tip to help provide natural relief.Vaporise the below oils to help you relax2 drops YLANG YLANG1 drop JASMINE2 drops ORANGE*Use with caution as excess can cause headaches and nausea… Read more

Posted by Oil Garden on 8th May 2024

Try these tips to naturally prepare you for a restful sleep.MassageMix the below in 1tbs of Jojoba Oil and apply onto chest and back of neck.2 drops Marjoram2 drops Neroli1 drop Lavender*Do not use during pregnancy… Read more

Posted by Oil Garden on 8th May 2024

Try this tip to help provide natural relief.Add one drop of AUSTRALIAN SANDALWOOD to the end of a cotton tip and directly apply onto cold sore to fight infection.…

Posted by Oil Garden on 8th May 2024

Try these tips to naturally uplift. Vaporise the below oils to boost your energy levels both mentally and physically2 drops LEMONGRASS2 drops GINGER1 drop LEMON*Not recommended for topical use during pregnancy.… Read more